Sunday, June 10, 2012

Having It All?...a story (106 words only)

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Having It All?
By: MR aka Naila Moon of the Grey Wolf
All rights reserved June 10, 2012

I am dragging my bag a little bit slower today.
It seems so much heavier than the day before.
Why wouldn’t it be? After all, I hit the mother load of dumpsters, cleaned the place out before the rest of them got their grubby hands on it. 

 I am going slower. 

Maybe it’s because I keep hearing his voice ringing in my ears from all the times he slapped me. 

“You could have had it all!” he’d say.

God, how I despise him! Oh, how I did love him…at least, in the beginning.
I am on the streets now and no longer afraid.

I am free.

Authors note: This story is fictional in nature and fortunately for me not one I have had to endure. However, there are many women in this country and around the world that have endured physical abuse, mental abuse or both.
If you are in these kinds of situations, please seek help. There is a national hotline number for the U.S.: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
~Naila Moon

 Jenny Matlock


  1. Oh Naila this speaks volumes. Well done!~Ames

  2. I cringe when I read this. Life is too short for all the abuse that goes on.

  3. You are so right. You bring this sad truth forth so clearly....nicely written.

  4. Wonderful write, Naila.
    And important.



  5. Very heart wrenching centus. Unfortunately too true. Some day we can only hope it will be a thing of the past.

  6. The dispassionate tone makes it all the harder.

  7. So true. I could have been one of these. I shudder to think of the women who suffer abuse at the hands of cowardly and malicious men.

  8. Naila, oh my dear blog friend. This was beyond touching.

    The choices that some have to make just break your heart, don't they?

    This was really a heartbreaking use of the prompt.

    I know it's fiction, but the sad thing is, it is true for so many.

    Someday I have more stories to share on this subject.

    But not today.

    Thank you for sharing this.

  9. I totally relate. Maybe I'll write one one day and blend in with time. You're on the right path, but women who have endured walk a much bumpier road my friend, and a lot darker.
